3 Non-Chemical Ways To Get Rid Of Weeds

Posted on: 30 January 2015

Many chemicals, like glyphosate, found in commercial weed killers have been linked to serious health problems like Parkinson's disease and cancer. The threat of chemical-related illnesses has caused many home gardeners to turn to more natural weed control methods.

If you are looking for ways to get rid of your weeds without relying on chemical substances, try utilizing one of these three non-chemical methods.

1. Flame Weeding 

If you aren't shy about being around an open flame, then flame weeding could be an effective way for you to control your weeds without relying on toxic chemicals. Flame weeding is a process by which the surface of a weed is exposed to an open flame that is fueled by propane.

The object is not to burn the plant entirely, but to cause the water that accumulates in the weed's cells to vaporize. This will cause the weed to shrivel, and eventually die off. Flame weeding is most effective in fighting broadleaf weeds like dandelions and thistles.

2. Vinegar

If you want an Eco-friendly way to control your excess weeds, all you have to do is take a look in your kitchen cupboard. White vinegar has been proven effective when it comes to killing weeds, and this substance will not harm the environment, children, or your pets.

Using 5% white vinegar should be sufficient when it comes to killing weeds, although 10% or 20% vinegar solutions will accelerate the weed-killing process. Adding a cup of table salt to a gallon of vinegar will help you get rid of even the toughest weeds by amplifying the effects of the vinegar. Including a tablespoon of liquid dish soap will allow the salt and vinegar solution to adhere to the surface of your weeds more readily.

3. Boiling Water

By far the most Eco-friendly way to get rid of unwanted weeds is through the use of boiling water. When trying to kill off weeds in the cracks of your driveway or sidewalk, a pan of boiling water could be your most effective tool. Since boiling water will kill any plant it comes into contact with by scalding the cells, it is important that you avoid contact with flowers or grass.

Boiling water will not damage your tile or wood surfaces, so using this method to get rid of those pesky plants that grow in small cracks and crevices can be effective. Just don't use boiling grass on broadleaf weeds growing within your lawn unless you are willing to kill off the surrounding grass.

You don't have to rely on toxic chemicals to get rid of weeds. By turning to some natural solutions, you can kill off unwanted weeds without harming the environment. If you find you still need more help beyond this, contact a company that specializes in weed control supplies to learn more and ask more questions.
