3 Tips To Prevent Tree Damage To Your Home During Hurricane Season
Posted on:
6 May 2015
If you live in an area that is affected by hurricanes in the late summer and early fall, you probably worry about your home being affected by tree damage. Most people who live in hurricane-prone areas have seen at least a few houses and structures that were damaged by trees, and you probably want to do what you can to prevent this from happening on your property.
Luckily, following these tips before hurricane season strikes can help you protect your home and your family:
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An Easy Way To Make Cheap Candle Lanterns
Posted on:
17 April 2015
If you would like to add lighting to your backyard without spending a fortune, you could make your own candle lanterns to hang. This option is not only affordable, but it is also easy to do. Homemade candle lanterns can be made from things you probably have on hand, and they are easy enough for anyone to make. While there are many different ways to make your own candle lanterns, here is a great idea if you are new to crafts.
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4 Ways To Greatly Improve The Exterior Of Your Home
Posted on:
31 March 2015
Whether you're struggling to sell your home or just aren't happy with your home's look, it can be difficult to improve your home if you don't know where to begin. The good news is that there are some steps that you can take to make the exterior of your home look amazing. Take a look at the following tips to learn more about what you can do.
Hire a Landscaping Team
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Bed Bugs In A Home: What You Should Know
Posted on:
20 March 2015
Do you seem to have itchy areas on your body each time you wake up? The itchiness may stem from bed bugs, especially if you are in the habit of doing a lot of traveling. Below, you will learn all you need to know about bed bugs, including how much it will cost to get your home exterminated to get rid of them.
What Should a Homeowner Know About Bed Bugs?
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